I had the privilege of capturing these 7 amazing women who jumped out of their comfort zones to challenge the way in which society presents and views the physical body.
This photoshoot was not only about body positivity, it was about having total strangers who have all walked a different path of life, empowering each other and lifting each other up in their most vulnerable form.


Miss Sarah Anderson

"In my life I have had some hurdles, large & small like we ALL have in our own different ways. This photo-shoot seemed like a spectacular opportunity to remind myself how bloody brave, strong, sexy, un-breakable & capable woman actually are & How easy it is too take control of your own life & happiness.

As a mum we seem to put our self worth aside & help others create their own amazing stories. I pride myself on lifting other women/men/All people up no matter how far they fall & in this time in my life & for the past 6months I had fallen hard. Incredibly to then be surround by some of the most amazing women (& men) from family, friends & strangers too who lifted me up, dusted me off, told me they are proud of me & supported my mission to be a happy, healthy, loving & the affectionate & vibrant person I am. I can’t thank everyone singularly but what I can say that after everything & this incredible Body confident shoot it’s that we are ALL amazing & more capable then we know. Live a life your proud of. The rest will fall into place."


"I have always been my biggest critic with my body. Trying to reflect what society seen as beautiful, as perfect. I recently suffered through a brain injury and 2 angel babies in the last 12 months. I became so ashamed of how I saw my body, who I saw in the mirror. I didn’t recognise myself. After finding and learning to love myself again I look at my body not as just an image, it’s a picture of a journey - a journey only I have walked. For now this is me and I’ll change all the time. I’ve now learnt to love every version of myself at every stage of my life."


"The reason I wanted to take part in the body positivity shoot was to help rebuild some of my body confidence after having my third baby.

I am not feeling that great in my own skin right now, my tummy is more stretched, boobs are sagging, thighs thicker than usual and I was hoping that the shoot might help me see myself in a new light. I also thought it would be a fun opportunity with a bunch of positive women."


"Within the last year I have lost nearly 50kg which has left me with loose skin on my body which I hide on a daily basis, My body has scars and tells a story about my struggle with mental health which I always hide as well. But today I had the opportunity to feel confident and good about myself which was an amazing experience to feel and share with others."


"Let’s be real, life is tricky and growing up in the generation of technology and show business, mixed with todays stereotypes and social media has made it much more tricky.

After being diagnosed with anorexia at 15 years old, struggling to love myself for the past 13 years, getting pregnant, gaining 27kg learning how to be a mum and losing all the weight in a very unhealthy manner, I am really trying to rise above all my self hate for my daughter. I want to show her how beautiful she is inside and out and that no matter what, to always love herself.

Dealing with an eating disorder for so many years has definitely ruined how my body digests and processes food, my mood and mental health and my social life.

I decided that I was going to do this photoshoot to mark the turning of a new era for myself. To project myself into a new way of thinking a new way of loving and new way of living. As of today I will love myself and I will be the role model that my daughter needs! As of today I will be the change that I’v been longing for and I will succeed!"


"When I was 28,  I was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. 

I was never sure how chemo would effect my fertility long term, as it puts you into a false menopause while undergoing treatment. Depending on your age, some women never come out of it.

Fast forward 10 years on and I’ve just had my first child at the age of 38. 

Its amazing how much a woman’s body changes while pregnant. Haylee took photos of my daughter as a newborn and I thought participating in this body positive shoot was a perfect way to show the strength and capabilities of a woman’s body.

It amazes me what our body can endure  in life and how quickly our body’s can change and adapt over time. Many women will go through pregnancy, surgery/treatment and of course will age.

A woman’s body is capable of wonderful things. While there may be many parts that we don’t love, we should be able to look at ourselves and appreciate how wonderful and amazing they really are.

Radiation has prevented me from feeding from my right breast. My breasts are quite noticeably two different sizes and is certainly not a flattering look when wearing particular styles of clothing. However, I am very grateful to still have them and thankful for my good health.  

I may have a lopsided chest but daughter is exclusively breast feed from one breast and I think that’s pretty amazing.

39 years, 4 months postpartum."